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Pie Chart Questions

Example of Pie Chart Questions:

1.Understanding Data Proportions

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A pie chart shows the distribution of a class’s favorite subjects. The chart is divided into sections: 40% for Math, 30% for Science, 20% for History, and 10% for Art.

Question: What percentage of students like Science as their favorite subject?

2.Identifying Categories

A pie chart shows the market share of various smartphone brands. Samsung holds 45%, Apple holds 35%, Xiaomi holds 10%, and OnePlus holds 10%.

Question: Which smartphone brand has the smallest market share?

3.Comparing Slices

A pie chart displays the budget allocation of a company for different departments: 50% for Marketing, 30% for Research and Development, 15% for Operations, and 5% for Miscellaneous.

Question: How much more of the budget is allocated to Marketing than to Operations?

4.Total Percentage Calculation

A pie chart shows the percentage of time spent by a person on different activities during the day: 40% on work, 30% on sleep, 15% on leisure, and 15% on exercise.

Question: What is the total percentage of time spent on work and sleep combined?

5.Converting Pie Chart Data to Quantitative Information

A pie chart represents the sales distribution of four product categories: Electronics (50%), Clothing (25%), Food (15%), and Books (10%).

Question: If the total sales amount to $200,000, how much revenue comes from Electronics?

6.Analyzing Changes Over Time

A pie chart shows the breakdown of a city’s energy consumption in 2020: 50% from solar, 30% from wind, and 20% from fossil fuels.

Question: If the percentage of energy from solar increased by 10% in 2021, what percentage of energy came from solar in 2021?

7.Finding the Majority Category

A pie chart shows the time allocation for a student’s study schedule: Mathematics (40%), English (30%), History (20%), and Science (10%).

Question: Which subject does the student spend the most time on?

8.Pie Chart with a Specific Category

A pie chart represents the percentage of global population distribution by continent: Asia (60%), Africa (15%), Europe (10%), North America (8%), South America (5%), and Oceania (2%).

Question: What is the percentage of the global population living in Europe and North America combined?

9.Identifying Missing Data

A pie chart is divided into 4 sections representing different car brands: Honda (30%), Toyota (25%), Ford (20%), and Other (remaining percentage).

Question: If the chart is divided into 100%, what percentage of the pie chart is allocated to the “Other” category?

10.Analyzing Growth or Decline

  A pie chart shows the distribution of annual spending in a company: Marketing (40%),        Salaries (30%), Equipment (20%), and Miscellaneous (10%).

Question: If Marketing spending increased by 5% and Miscellaneous spending decreased by 5%, how would the pie chart look after these changes?

There are some Pie Chart Questions help analyze and interpret data presented in pie charts, including percentages, comparisons, and total values.

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